Create Dependent Dropdown Lists

You can create dependent dropdown lists on your mobile apps. For example, Countries can be displayed when Continent is selected, regions when Country is selected and cities when regions are selected.

You can create a manual list or get one from a database while creating a Dropdown List.

It is necessary to enter data as [“text1” ; “text2” ; “text3” ] within brackets in order to add data manually to the dropdown lists. For example, If the data is on an Excel in OneDrive, the data field should be formatted as Table. The shortcut to create a table in Excel is CTRL+SHIFT+L.

When you turn your data into a table, it is named as Table1. And the data is used with this table name in Power Apps. When there are multiple tables, it is important to name the Excel Table before going into Power Apps to prevent name confusion like Table1, Table5, Table3.

Dropdown Lists

We will execute the action with two dropdown lists.

Dropdown1 named as–> dd_region.
Dropdown2 named as–> dd_city.

The cities in dd_city will change depending on the selected region on dd_region.

Get Data from the Table

Cities are written cross the region names. Since there are multiple cities in a region, the regions are repeated. You need to use the Distinct formula for the region names to be displayed singularly.

You can write Distinct(RegionTable;Region) into the items property of dd_region.

You can use the menu on the right directly for the dd_city item.

The name of the Items table is selected as RegionTable.
The Value column’s name is selected as the city column.

The upper control ins chosen as dd_region, the matched field as RegionTable, Region Column for the dependent control.
This way, the formula below is automatically written.
Filter(RegionTable; Region= dd_region.Selected.Result) to the items property of dd_il

Distinct is not necessary in cases of the region names are not repeated and the formula should be revised in this context.

The value that formula returns will be displayed on the formula bar.

Using Manual Lists

Since it will be hard to type long data on by one and the formula get longer, it makes sense to use the manual lists for short data.

You can write [“Marmara Region”; “Ege Region”;”Karadeniz Region”] into the items property of dd_region.

You can write:
dd_region.Selected.Value=”Marmara Region”; [ “İstanbul”;”Kocaeli”];
dd_region.Selected.Value=”Ege Region”; [“İzmir”;”Çanakkale”];
dd_region.Selected.Value=”Karadeniz Region”;[“Zonguldak”;”Sinop”;”Trabzon”]

to the items property of dd_il. You can use different methods fore dropdown lists just like for other actions. For example, you can prefer to write Switch() instead of IF ().

You can take a look at this link for the details about Dropdown Lists.

Scan Codes Easily with a Mobile Device

It is possible to scan a barcode, serial number, Imei number, QR Code and many more codes on a SINGLE screen! You can scan all code types with the advanced code scanning function of Power Apps and integrate them to your system.

We can talk about a lot of benefits of transitioning to the code system with a lot of scenarios like counting, tracking and assigning inventories; library management, registering stocks and products, executing actions quickly in store controls.

You can scan codes on your cellphone camera with the mini app you’ll develop using Power Apps.

Scanning Codes

Thanks to this feature, you don’t need to use any extra scan devices. Go Add–> Media–> Barcode scanner on your mobile phone in order to use the code scanning feature. This action only adds a button to your page, the screen that allows you to scan will not be displayed to you in the app.

You can write the Navigate formula into the OnScan property of the scan button (BarcodeScanner1) and direct to the second screen. This way, when a code is scanned you are directed to the second page.

A Label (barcodeData) is used to show the scanned code, Add button (Button1) to enter data and Gallery to display the data on the second screen.

BarcodeScanner1.Value is written into the Text property Label1.

The function that saves data to the cache is written into the OnSelect property of Button1.
Collect( ScannedBarcodes; {barcode: barcodeData.Text} )

ScannedBarcodes is written into the Items property of Gallery1.


You can take a look at this link for the Barcode Scan feature.


Determining the Job definition

Job definition is the details of the job that the employee will do, their tasks, responsibilities and the feature details of the added value wanted from the employee as a result of job analysis. It is very important to notify the employee about their tasks and responsibilities in written form and register them in a way in terms of preventing possible conflicts. Titles that grant the employee with power of representation within and outside the company are created.

There are no obligations in our law in terms of defining a job, but the ISO 9001 Quality Management System Document creates an obligation to define the job in recruitment conditions. It is a quality document that helps your company to keep developing and growing. Help to take your job to the forefront and gain advantage in rivalry.

Why is the ISO 9001 document important?

It is necessary not to have any confusions concerning job, authority and titles to get the ISO 9001 Document. You have to use the titles that exist in the ISO 9001 Quality management system within and outside the company. Standardization within this frame is an obligation.

E-Mail signature is the proof that you are an employee connected to that company and that you are representing the company during communication . E-mails are your digital business cards in a way and e-mail signatures reflect the digital identity of company. In this identity, there is information that help you to represent yourself, increase your brand’s recognition and customer royalty.

In order for the organizations the protect their internal and external communication unity, it is possible to sustain the continuity of ISO 9001 document with the e-mail signature management system. Since the title information shared outside the company in the e-mail signatures will be same as the ISO 9001 document, it creates a security for the continuity of document. Job definitions being outside that document is prevented with the e-mail signature application. This way you can ensure the security of your corporate standards.

Since the digital applications are becoming more important and the average number of e-mails sent worldwide is 293,6 billion according to Radicati, ensuring our corporate standards is really easy with the e-mail signatures and helps us a lot. This way, we ensure the Valuing the Customer and Customer Loyalty principles which are the most important principles of the Quality Management System.


The Ranking of Countries in Gender Equality

Gender equality determines whether societies can develop or not and in what direction this development will take place. Gender equality is an issue that has been going on for years and needs to be overcome. Issues such as not ensuring gender equality in both social and business life, women receiving less salary than men, being exposed to mobbing, equality of opportunity, educational opportunities and violence are still a huge problem. It is an obstacle in their private life as well as their business life. As a child, classifying toys by gender and attributing gender to business lines is an obstacle for women to work in many sectors. In fact, the subject that needs to be overcome starts right here: Gender roles.

What is the Concept of Gender?

Gender includes social and cultural norms imposed and expected by society and associated with masculinity and femininity. These norms consist of roles assigned to men and women, which are reflections of both social and business life.

Gender includes the roles and responsibilities of women and men determined in the tradition, customs and religion of the society they live in. Biological, historical, and social processes are also in an effective position in shaping these roles. There are many factors such as hormonal differences and the people expecting men and women to behave suitably with their roles. We can easily see from the past to the present that especially the roles are determined on men and women. The advertisements you see in front of the television while sitting at home are the best examples of this. Although mass media reflects reality, it actually offers us what we want to see. It is the fictionalized form of reality.

Gender Roles and Advertisements

It is based on the act of activating and convincing certain emotions in the audience. Therefore, social norms are very effective. Well-groomed, beautiful female images are constantly reflected. Because the ideal woman is like that. She does housework, takes care of children, is beautiful and well-groomed.

Since cars are associated with power and speed, the main characters of ads are always seen as men. Women, on the other hand, try to get rid of stubborn oils in order to make their dishes shiny and a detergent brand comes to their rescue.

We always come across 2 types of women in commercials:

1-1- Women who do housework and are happy to be given a vacuum cleaner on their birthday or Mother’s Day.

2- Women who use make-up to reach the ideal beauty in society, who try to lose weight, who have stunning hair, the perception of beauty of women…

Nowadays, especially with the shift of focus from mass media to internet ads, we have started to see that these perceptions are being broken down and stereotyped norms are being broken, but this is still very insufficient today. Although the roles have started to change, what we watch is still the same. We continue to be exposed to certain patterns not only in commercials but also in TV series and movies.


Gender Equality in the World

Income inequality is seen everywhere in the world. There are statements that women receive less salary than men, that they will not be a good manager, but they will be a good mother. While women do the same job as men and receive less salary, the concept of motherhood is an obstacle even in recruitment processes. Do you think about getting married? Do you want to have children? Some of the women whose answer is yes are not even hired. Another version of this situation can be associated with the issue of military service for men, but it cannot be measured on the same scale. Because one of the biggest obstacles for women is having children in their business lives. While the right to parental leave is given to mothers, it is not given to fathers and it is ensured that the man continues his career. While taking care of children and dealing with household chores is seen as the only duty of the mother, the perception that a man should go to work and bring bread to his house is still functional today. In addition to the fact that women continue to work even when they return home from work, even professions are attributed to gender. While women are associated with professions as teachers and secretaries, it suits men better to be a pilot, doctor and engineer.

To draw attention to gender equality, the World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published its 2020 Gender Equality Report.

In this list where countries are ranked by gender equality, we see Iceland, Norway, Finland and Sweden in the beginning of the list and Turkey at the end of the list. Turkey ranks as 130 in the ranking that had 149 countries last year and has 153 countries this year.

While preparing the gender equality list, criteria such as women’s participation in the economy, equal opportunities, educational opportunities, health and political empowerment of women were considered. In the report, 1 point means full equality in the gender equality index.

You can access the data for Turkey here.

While Western Europe is the region with highest gender equality with the average of 76.7, Middle East and North Africa region which also includes Turkey takes the last place in gender equality with and average of 60.5 percent.

257 years need to pass for equal pay!

Half of the men and women in the world believe that men will be better politicians or leaders. More than 40 percent share the view that men are better managers in business life and that men deserve a job more than women.

The World Economic Forum stated that gender discrimination has decreased by 3.6 percent since 2006. However, the forum pointed out that there was only 0.03 percent progress in 2018, and this was “extremely little”.

As PEAKUP, we welcome successful female executives in our Equal Opportunity series, which we initiated to be an inspiration and example, and support women in every aspect. You can watch our video series where we talk about the difficulties they face in their business lives, the processes in their professional life and their suggestions.

For years, women have been struggling to make their voices heard to have equal rights. That is why I would like to end the article with a nice movie that tells how women clawed their way up to the right to vote.



When humanity came to life, so did communication. There is not a historical or a clear definition, but it is a fact that communication is a part of our lives. In our social or business life, we need to express ourselves verbally, nonverbally or by writing. We want to convey information, keep in touch and know without sticking to time and space. Therefore, we can call communication the process of sharing “information”.

You can download practical communication recipes suitable for today by clicking the button below.


How do you work more efficiently on online systems?

With the start of working from home, what kind of changes do employers start to make in their work and have the demands differed in this process?

In the process of working from home, employers start to take very intense actions to carry all the work they do on paper to online. Basically, the changes we see can be grouped under the main titles of managing the work on employees, digitizing meetings with customers and internal companies, making documents accessible from anywhere, and ensuring secure access to company resources such as accounting systems and human resources applications from external locations. Of course, the first action to be taken among these topics, and perhaps the most important one, is the common working platforms that will ensure the uninterrupted and continuous communication of the employees with each other.

How has the demand for digital workplace platforms increased during this period?

Working on digital platforms in workplaces that have switched to remote working has led to an increase in demand. Especially on platforms such as MS Teams, many companies have started to read our blog posts and get information from us about how to use them more effectively. Among all the services we provide, the demand for digital workplace platforms has increased by 70%. We foresee that these demands will intensify even more in the coming days. Because companies quickly return to work from home, they pay particular attention to fast applicability and security criteria when choosing digital environments that will ensure the continuity of their business. While there are hundreds of different applications that can provide these environments, especially products like Velocity and Teams come to the that can be started to use in minutes and provide convenience in terms of management of IT teams.

What are the benefits of digital platforms when working from home? What kind of difficulties does it eliminate?

With the process we are going through, the concept of “Digital Workplace” has once again reminded us of its importance. When companies start to act with technology by reshaping the way they work and even the areas in their offices through cloud-based systems, they get to work more efficiently, securely, and quickly. It is also useful to use intranet portals so that the communication within the company is coordinated and the employees can follow the work easily. Because you can access files, data or customers from your mobile devices 24/7.

Being able to work from home on digital platforms also allows you to act regardless of time and place. For example, people in different locations can work simultaneously and share their comments over a document shared via Teams. In this way, you get eliminate the information and document crowd. You can always stay up to date on a single file.

As companies start to use digital platforms, they become more aware of the time spent in traffic, focused- work and other distractions, especially in busy cities. In fact, in their daily routines, they see that they can complete the tasks in a shorter period of time. In other words, this makes the society more efficient.

What are the pros and cons of digital workplaces for both employers and employees while working from home?

Currently, working from home has shown us that we can advance our business processes through digital platforms without disrupting them. We are more luck about this because we could already work on Teams and Velocity. Being able to run our business processes digitally enables us to use our time more efficiently and productively. We have always taken our precautions against possible cyber threats. The reduced time we spend in traffic enables us to do our jobs more efficiently. Of course, as with all positive things, there are also negative aspects. The most important of these is the time employees spend together, the emergence of innovative ideas and its effects on company loyalty, are among the most important factors that should be paid attention to in digital channels while working remotely. When we look at it from the human resources perspective, employee loyalty affects the motivation to work in a pluralistic society like ours.

Could you give examples of big companies that have purchased and use Velocity?

We can count among the valuable companies of the sector that actively use Velocity such as Atasay, Ege Kimya and Mitaş. Applications such as Velocity have a very important place in ensuring business continuity especially in workplaces with many settlements and where employees do not work in the same place.

With the virus pandemic, which sectors have demanded more for digital workplace platforms?

After the virus pandemic, demands are very intense from all sectors, especially in sectors such as retail, manufacturing, and logistics. The common reason these sectors are in such high demand seems to be the need to coordinate a large number of employees at the same time. As the virus pandemic leads everyone to work from their home, it is a very important responsibility to ensure that everyone works as if they were in the office for the continuity of the economy. The realization of such a project that affects everyone as the scale of the company grows is both a critical and challenging process. The remote working environment, which would normally take weeks or months, becoming an obligation in a very short time; pushes the human resources and information technologies departments to choose solutions that are integrated with their existing systems, that can be easily applied and that the employees will adapt to easily.

Were any new features added to Velocity because of the pandemic?

We do our best to keep our teammates up to date. Especially with the start of the virus pandemic, there is information pollution and panic in social media. In order to prevent this, we often share the progress of the process and anti-virus methods. In addition, we prepared a Power BI report where we can see the distribution of the virus according to countries and created an information area where we can follow the process up to date. Our necessary information and announcements can be followed up to date on Velocity in this area. In order to draw attention to the importance of awareness for protection against the virus, a special application card has been developed so that our customers who use the Velocity intranet platform can share with their employees centrally. Through this module, information about the measures taken against the pandemic, application procedures and changing working conditions can be provided.

Can the digital workplace control employees’ working hours and performance?

Yes we can. We are in constant communication through Teams. We can have our daily meetings, which we used to always have t 8:00, on Teams right now. We start working at 8:00 every morning, we continue our team meetings, and our business processes are the same as when we worked in the office. We can have our activities that we do not want to cancel through digital platforms. Although it is not possible to record the meetings physically under normal conditions, we can even say that the fact that the meeting records, the notes and the task distributions can be done automatically has a positive effect since we carry them out through digital applications. On the other hand, let’s not look at this process as just controlling their working hours and performance, we have many friends who are alone at home right now and will have to be alone for a while. When they want to talk or have some fun, we pay attention to the importance of keeping our energy high and motivating each other by making video calls via Teams.

Can the features of the digital workplace platform be used differently because to the pandemic?

While digital workplace platforms are applications that should be owned by many companies but are seen as supportive of physical business areas, we can say that with the working from home rate increasing due to the pandemic, it has replaced the workplace. While digital platforms are now the primary working environment for companies, offices have only been the physical areas that support this. Our customers work to meet both the communication and the operation they carry out in their daily routines on digital platforms. For example, there are many documents and information that human resources departments need to share in processes such as new procedures applied in workplaces and changing business conditions due to Corona, and they create special information areas for them by using flexible application cards to meet these needs.

Is there a feature for the workers not to get bored or to communicate with their colleagues?

Of course, both Velocity and Teams are platforms that we also use for socializing. For example, in Velocity, you can follow your horoscope on a weekly basis and share photos of events, concerts and picnics. In addition, we can share and chat about our music, movie, book suggestions with each other in many different groups we have created within Teams, we can discuss current news and communicate in many different areas. We prefer chatting within Teams rather than spending time on our social media.

What are the digital dangers we may face while working from home?

Digital danger is always a threat not only when working at home, but also in your office. We discuss this subject under two main titles, the first and perhaps the most important of these are the threats that may come from users, these are caused by the leak attempts of user information through social engineering or deceptive e-mail content. Our second topic is threats to company resources such as accounting data and documents. In order to prevent the threats caused by the employees’ accounts being hacked, the factors that should be considered are quite simple. Determining complex passwords in accordance with international criteria and ensuring that they are changed at certain intervals reduce these threats radically. For example, PassGate ensures that employees’ passwords comply with predefined criteria, and also provides employees with the opportunity of SMS-based self-service management by avoiding situations where high demands may arise from IT departments, especially while working remotely.

While you only tried to protect company networks previously, it is now a matter of protecting individuals who work with different devices in different locations. This situation requires the rapid transformation of classical information technology infrastructures. If you need to describe it correctly, your accounting department has to log into the accounting application from the seat of the company and process a lot of sensitive data, while now it is necessary to perform the same operations from their home as if they were in the office. It is critical that information technology departments can intervene when necessary to ensure that these accesses are secure. Remote access that is not configured properly can result in theft of all your company data.

What are your suggestions for both employers and employees against these dangers?

It is vital for companies to protect employees and company resources without interfering with business continuity. We see that all policies applied for employees should be in a way that ensures rapid adaptation, and when very strict practices are tried from time to time to be safe, this process backfires and takes companies a few steps back. For the safety of employees, it should be ensured that the password information through which the systems are accessed is as complex as possible and that the identity verification layers of the systems inside are singularized as much as possible, and the management effort and the measures taken should be collected at a single point. Transition to cloud technologies is very important for the security of access to company resources. Cyber-attacks can occur anywhere in the world, just like the Corona pandemic, and in such cases, it is necessary to choose security methods that make behavioral analysis powered by artificial intelligence. Many of our customers we serve had already completed most of their preparations for remote work and cyber security reflections, it was one of our main responsibilities to raise awareness of the measures we have mentioned and to ensure that they plan in this direction.

Can the connection of workers to social media be controlled on digital workplace platforms?

It is possible to report browsing times on social media and all other content pages entered from devices, and the usage statistics of company applications. There are many applications developed for this, but instead of such instantaneous measurement tools that create insecurity in employees, the main focus of digital platforms should be to follow up work and ensure effective communication.

What makes Velocity different from the other intranet platforms?

When starting to work on online systems, it can be very difficult to ensure information integrity among employees. Being able to manage your business processes on a platform where communication is not interrupted enables you to increase the productivity of your employees faster and to the highest level under all conditions. You can create your portal content with many alternatives you can choose from the widget catalog. It is a savior especially for Human Resources departments. You can carry out announcements, information, permissions, expenses, advances, Law of Protection of Personal Data processes through a single portal. The flexibility to adapt to the extreme situations we are experiencing right now is very critical. For example, with Velocity, it is possible to centrally share the precautions taken regarding the Corona pandemic and the points to be considered with employees on a single application card.

Many companies cannot get efficiency from intranet platforms. Because most of their progress depends on the IT departments or the product they use. Due to these situations, internal communication processes cannot remain continuous, up-to-date and efficient. As a solution to these problems, Velocity is an in-house communication platform that receives its updates, is constantly active and easy to use, and you can use it without the need for IT departments.

You can have Velocity with no initial budget, monthly and annual payment options, and fast setup regardless of the number of users.