Cloud PaaS Services

We had our 3rd CodeRunner with İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality in Zemin İstanbul. We talked about Cloud PaaS Services in the event.

You can download our presentation to get detailed information about the Cloud PaaS services.

Stress Management

When we look up stress in a dictionary, we will see that it is defined as “mental tension that is caused by certain problems.”

As a matter of fact, it exists in all parts of our business and social life. And according to experts, stress to a certain point is beneficial since it helps us to discipline ourselves in our job or social relations.

In today’s article, we will talk about business life that is full of stress and what we need to do to deal with it.

First of all, keep in mind that a stressful job is not equal to a bad job. Everybody has a different threshold for stress. A job that makes you feel “oh no, I cannot do this” might be exciting for someone else. We divide the stress sources in the business life into two as external factors and the factors that people themselves create.

Long working hours, mobbing, communication problems between workers, too many responsibilities, strong competition can be a few examples of external factors that cause stress. And for the factors that people themselves create, we can say focusing on the negative only and decreasing your own motivation in time, and always complaining.

But, why is this important? We all spend most part of our days at our workplace. I mean, it wouldn’t be wrong to day that we spend our lives at work. For this reason, the stress level at work becoming unmanageable would start to affect our social life, social relations, and even our physical health.

It is important to pay attention to the factors below to understand when our stress level increases

  • Tiredness
  • Fatigue
  • Lack of sleep
  • Impairment of concentration
  • Getting angry fast
  • Tendency to drink or use drugs
  • Weight loss
  • Severe heart-throb

If you want to deal with stress, the most important advice I can give you is to talk openly about this with your friends and family. Tell your colleagues that you are under high stress, its effects on you, and that you need their help to overcome this situation.

Have a good diet. Don’t forget that you hormonal balance has taken a hit during this time and you have the control to fix it.

Have little breaks during working hours. Try to do things that relax you during these breaks.

Change your daily routines (especially work plans). Make sure that you manage your time in a healthy way.

If you can, get professional help. You will not believe how fast everything works out.

During all this time, remind yourself regularly that there is no problem that you cannot overcome. You just need to take the right steps, be open to communication, and not hesitate to ask for help.


With technology entering every area of our lives, the traditional methods have been insufficient. Digitalization affects the human resources processes just like it affects all our lives.

Data and resource management is in the digital environment in a more accessible and systematic way. With the number om workers increasing, the importance of digital transformation increases as well.

Digital Human Resources is basically tracking the Human Resources functions in digital. Digital Human Resources represent a total change in technology and business processes. If we do not sustain all these transformations parallelly, the digital transformation will not be efficient.

Business processes are always redesigned in order to increase the sustainability in human resources functions as the speed and development of technology increase. During this process, it is necessary for the companies that want to keep the skilled new generation and that aim to build a transparent connection between managers and employees to build their processes digitally. Digitalization increases productivity in human resources just like in all the other areas.

Businesses need to analyze both their processes and their employees’ abilities in details during this period.

The topics below are of importance in Human Resources Digitalization Processes:

  • The employees believing in digital transformation and analysis of the current situation
  • Organizing training to increase the Skill and Proficiency levels of the employees
  • If there are multiple systems in the company, preferring centeralized structures
  • Renewing business models with Creative and Constructive scripts
  • Including Digital Transformation in strategic plans
  • Making the Digital Transformation a part of the company culture

Bettered processes with new technologies in Human Resources processes play an important role in employee satisfaction. And it is a must for the authorities and employees who will play a role in these projects to have a certain experience in order to manage the process in a healthy way in the company.

Business life is in a re-construction in accordance with our day. Digitalization is necessary to keep up with today’s conditions. Even though our applications are digitalizing, humans always should be in the focus in the management philosophy.

Çubuk Animation was our Friday Talks Guest

Çubuk Animation that has a great scale from speaking English in job interviews to plastic bag awareness, from the dreams of a movie-lover teen to the coolness of not watching soap operas was our Friday Talks guest.

How did they come together? How did the transformation from pencil to digitalization happen? Comedy on digital platforms. We have talked about all these things.


Dinçer Karaca Was Our Friday Talks Guest

One of the important names of the sector, the NextGen CEO, technology Consultant, Presenter and Producer Dinçer Karaca was our Friday Talks guest. We talked about “Digital Trends” and “The Silicon Valley” with Dinçer Karaca who produces programs in channels like ATV, Fox, and Show TV.

Which one is better for Android Programming: Kotlin or Java #1

Kotlin or Java

Many articles have been written about the Kotlin and Java programming languages, but many people still wonder the answer of the question:” Kotlin or Java?” I hear the same question from many people close to me. It is a question that is always asked in the job interviews. Why do I prefer Kotlin, is it because of the popular culture and attention or did I make decision consciously? The reason is to measure that though. I don’t even think that I need to warn you guys about not saying “There is something that is called Kotlin. Turns out that everybody is switching to it, so I though why wouldn’t I?” in the job interviews.

A few months after I started working in Peakup, I made a presentation about “Kotlin or Java” to my developer teammates. The same question was asked by students who attended my speech in the IAU Android Talks event of Istanbul Aydın University and the students who came to visit our office from Istanbul Technical University. Which means that everybody who works with programming that much from students to professionals still wonder about the differences of Kotlin and Java. So, I wanted to write an article about this and help people as much as I can. Because I am pretty sure that this question will keep being asked.



In this article, I will try to answer the questions of “Why Kotlin? Is it necessary to know Java for Android programming in 2020? I want to program an Android application, do I need to learn Java? Is Java or Kotlin better for Android? Will Java die or even is it already dead?” Also, I didn’t compare the languages. I just tried to answer if we should switch to Kotlin or when we should switch.


As a summary, I don’t have a simple answer of “Kotlin or Java”, but to sum up the whole article I would say:

“Depends on the situation.”

Depends on the project you will make, if you are a student or not, if you are student; the approach of you university to languages, if you work in the sector or not, if the place you work at has legacy code or not… The answer of this question depends on dozens of variables like these. Instead of wanting just one single answer, please read the article till the end. First of all, the new generation is pretty impatient. They want everything right away, they want to get the answer right away, finish right away, have a great project right away, right away… Please be a bit patient. It is not as clear as black and white. Your life doesn’t have to flow that fast. Inhale, exhale, and live. My answer of “Kotlin or Java” is really long. If you are too lazy to read, I would recommend you to close the tab right now, but I would recommend you to spare some time to read. (If you want to be a developer, you have got to read it obviously.) You may rest assured that you will read an article full of information and it will be worth it.

Unfortunately, the internet has become a huge trash, and it is not possible to distinguish the ones who know something and the ones who don’t. People write just 3-5 lines in a whole page to show a few more advertisements. I want to say in advance that I will not say “Kotlin is good like this, it is good like that” and finish like many articles in the internet. If you want to switch to Kotlin and you need support, you should prefer an article like that. This article will be completely different.


Let’s Start!

First I want to say that it is important not to be a addict, fanatic, and slave of a language or a technology. I think it is better to be able to switch the language and framework depending on the project and situation. For example, it is wrong to think that we use Java, it has been like this for 20 years and it will keep being like this for 20 more. It is not certain how long the technology, language, and frameworks will be valid. There are so many programming languages and frameworks that were very popular in 2000s and 2010s but now do not even have 1 job advert. We can never know exactly what will happen in this dynamic world.

If you want another example: now, iOS and Android are being developed as native mostly. While we are still discussing if Java or Kotlin is better, Google is developing a cross platform app developing framework called Flutter -which might be the top trend in a few years. Maybe our phones will not have the Android operating system but will have the Fuchsia operation system which is way more stable than Android. For this, I think it is wrong to stick to one language or framework completely and say no to all the other languages.

I can not say that Kotlin is better and throw away the Java culture, sources, and infrastructure coming from 1995 away; or say that definitely Java is better and ignore the innovations and conveniences Kotlin has brought. Now, if you please, let’s dig a little deeper.

1. I am a University student, is Kotlin or Java better for me?

I want to start answering the “Kotlin or Java?” question from the students. If someone asking this question is a student, my recommendations will be a lot different from my recommendations to people who work in the sector. And, it will even depend on the semester and lectures of our dear student.


  1. What is your major?
  2. Are you studying a major that has software classes?
  3. Which semester are you studying at?
  4. Do you have a Java lecture or Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Did you take this class or will you take it?

If your major is a major like Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Management Information Systems that has software classes, your semester is of high importance.

1.a ) If you are in your first semester or preparation and if your OOP class will be taught with the Java language

I highly recommend you to check you curriculum if you have come across the “Kotlin or Java” question in your first semester or while you are still prep. Do they teach the OOP class with Java in your university? First, you need to find this out. If you will have a Java or OOP class, the answer of “Java or Kotlin” will definitely be Java. Learning Java will positively affect the grades of you OOP class.

This was a question asked in the speech I gave in Istanbul Aydın University and I asked the student at which semester he was studying. He said he was in the 1st semester and I didn’t give any different answer than above. (I wonder what he is doing now 🙂 ) Start studying Java immediately. Start creating projects and sharing them on GitHub immediately. Don’t worry about the quality of your code right now. It can be good or bad. Even if it is bad, produce and share something. Because in the future employers will care if you have produced something or not. Whenever I come across a software student, I recommend the same thing. Don’t spend your summer without doing anything. After a vacation, sit down and study Java.


1. b ) If you are in your first semester or preparation and your university will teach the OOP class with a programming language other than Java with C#, C++…

You come across the question of Kotlin or Java in the first semester of your university or during the preparatory year, checked your curriculum and learned that C # will be explained. Do not say “I will become an Android Developer anyway, why bother and learn C #”. Do not think that you will waste your time. It is very wrong if you say “C ++ is also used by our university and it does not work.” The aim of the OOP Course is to teach you the basic principles of object oriented programming. It is not teaching you languages. It is not a university programming language course. The university gives you theory that gives you infrastructure. And you get that infrastructure and use it wherever you want. This is up to you. Once you know what OOP is, once you gain the analytical thinking ability, it is not difficult to switch to another object-based language.

One of my professors at Yıldırım Beyazıt University said: “Some of the object-oriented programming languages ​​start the class with import, some with using and some in another way, but the background part of this does not make a big difference between languages. For if while is available in every programming language and is the same. They may be spelled differently, but they do the same job and mean the same thing. If you have learned one Object Oriented language very well, it may take a few weeks to switch to another. “ If we come to the answer of the question of Kotlin or Java, do not rush to learn Kotlin.

Study the language you will see in your OOP class. No matter what language it is, study that language and pass your OOP lesson with good grades. If you want to learn Android programming afterwards, you don’t need to learn Java again. You can start from Kotlin. The fundamentals of object-oriented programming are essential. Algorithms, Design Patterns, Software principles, Code standards … You learn the language very well in whatever language your university teaches. You may rest assured that it will be much easier for you to switch to Kotlin in the future.

1. c ) If you have come across this question after the 5th semester of the university

OOP class is just water under the bridge now. And you didn’t get enough of this lesson. Or you have never taken this class. Or it was elective and was taught by a hard teacher and you just didn’t take it. (It is a big mistake if you think to become a developer when you graduate. If you have not decided what you will be when you graduate, it is the subject of a very different article 🙂 In this case, if your university taught you any object-based language,
you can start from Kotlin. I think there is no university that does not show any software language or at least teach OOP principles, but the quality has dropped everywhere since universities are everywhere. Maybe there are universities like that, so I should add the following. If you know the basics of programming but also lack some stuff, I wouldn’t recommend starting Kotlin. Start with Java. Because you don’t have resource problems in Java. You can find dozens of books, dozens of blogs and videos, and you can go a long way in a short time. There are various Kotlin sources, but I don’t think they can compete with Java’s resources.

As a result, if you have obtained a good OOP information from your university, it doesn’t matter what language you were taught in. I will answer the “Kotlin or Java?” question as Kotlin. If you have prepared your programming infrastructure well enough, if you have gained analytical thinking skills, you will be able to produce a small project in a few weeks in another OOP language you want.

2. I am Already Working as an Android Developer, So, Kotlin or Java, Which is Better?

If you are already working as an Android Developer in a company and asking whether it is Kotlin or Java, my answer will not be Kotlin. I will suggest that you eventually switch to Kotlin. Since you already know Java above a certain level, you know the concepts of OOP, it will not be difficult for you to switch to Kotlin. Switch to Kotlin, but it’s not like everyone has to switch right away. I will ask you a few questions like I asked the students to suggest when to switch.

  1. How big are your projects in the company now?
  2. How innovative is your company and do your managers support your desire to improve yourself?
  3. How many users are actively using the application you have already made with Java?
  4. Is it expected by the user that you constantly release fixes and updates to the application you want to switch to Kotlin?

You are fresh out of uni and you were taught Java in university. You started to write Android applications with Java, and you entered a start-up company. You have been working for 3 months. You have had 2 small Android applications and used Java in them. I will recommend you to continue with Java in this company for a while. In your case, unfortunately, you don’t have time to spare for Kotlin right now. You have to prove yourself to the employer to produce results in the short term. I know that feeling very well. When you change jobs, or overthrow an important milestone at this workplace such as 6 months, 8 months, 1 year, I recommend that you spend a little time with Kotlin and work in free time. Then you gradually integrate it into your company projects.

Just because Kotlin has come out and is easier than Java, switching a big project you have developed with Java for 2 3 years to Kotlin may cause unwanted results. While you are still learning about Kotlin, you may get confused, have difficulties and lose motivation because you have started with the big project directly. Like the mistake I made before: You can write Kotlin, but you will write Kotlin like Java.

And then something like this will come out

I cannot help but mention that, in PEAKUP, time and resources are always allocated and created for every person who wants to improve themselves.

There is also the user side of all this, which I think is a more important topic than both being innovative and your managers. Dozens of users use the application you write in Java and if the user is expected to make continuous improvements, it may be difficult to switch to Kotlin. My humble advice would be to definitely work with Kotlin outside of your working hours and make a few medium-sized projects using Kotlin, and if the user allows, open a side branch and gradually transfer your project to Kotlin. Thus, you do not affect the main branch and you can go to the main branch at any time, make an error correction, add a feature, and then return to the Kotlin migration branch.

  • If your managers give you time to improve yourself
  • If you are new to the company and your company has never written a Native Android application before (the situation I came across when I started in Peakup)
  • If your existing Android applications written in Java are stable, error correction and feature additions are not too much

In the situations listed above, I would say start Kotlin as soon as possible without thinking for even a minute. If you are starting a project from scratch, start directly with Kotlin. If you don’t know, you will just learn, and learning Kotlin by doing a project is the best learning method. As our ancestors said, make it up as you go along, small is the seed of every greatness…

Will Android Give Up Java Completely?

It is a very sweet and cute question of your colleagues or job interviews. It does not seem possible for Android to give up Java at the moment. Because there are millions of lines of Java code in the Android operating system. There are dozens of applications written only in Java in the Google Play Store. On the other hand, there is a situation that Android Studio has been developed so much that when you paste Java code into a Kotlin project (if there is no syntax error in the code you paste), it automatically turns into Kotlin code. While Google hype Kotlin at every event and praises it at length, it doesn’t make a good or bad statement about Java. In my personal opinion, it would be wrong not to switch to Kotlin when even Android Studio shouts so much for Kotlin. Over time, this transition will be made concretely even by Google. One day is will for sure, but not today.

My Story of Starting Kotlin

I want to talk briefly about how I learned Kotlin. I learned Java in university. I don’t regret it a bit. If I were to go to university again with the consciousness I have today, I would want to learn Java instead of Kotlin again. There are no sources that you cannot find about Java, but it is a huge problem for Kotlin. Kotlin still gets support from Java about many topics.

We got a good knowledge of OOP from our Java teacher who is not Turkish and does not speak Turkish. Also, the previous summer I also studied Java on my own, of course, this had an effect. Again, it is one of the suggestions that I have applied and benefited from and that I give students frequently. Studying the classes you will take the previous summer in advance.

After university, I developed Android applications using Java for 2 years. Then Kotlin was declared as the official language by Google, and I was yearning to learn Kotlin, but I couldn’t get started right away. Because there was a huge shortage of resources and the environment such as let’s switch to Kotlin immediately did not occur at my workplace at that time. We had more of an approach – as it should be – let’s see what the situation will be, but when I found out how much it shortens the code and its conveniences, I was really enthusiastic. In 2017, when Kotlin’s learning resources increased during the year, I started to write small-scale projects on my personal blog, but after a while I got stuck. Why and where did I get stuck?

So, Do I Know Kotlin?

Saying “I learned Kotlin” or “I know Kotlin” would be way too pretentious. I needed to do larger-scale projects to say something like this. I tried to do that as much as I could. I rewrote an old medium-sized project from scratch using Kotlin. I was ready to start integrating it into projects at work and then I went to perform my military service. And I acquired a Kotlin book in the military and continued to work with Kotlin. After my military service, I got a job at PEAKUP and started every project I started from scratch here with Kotlin. Well, do I know Kotlin? I still cannot give an answer to this question like “I know very well, if they did the exam, I would get 100, I know 10 out of 10 “. And, what even is the criterion to be able to say that I know a language? That is also a very different matter.

Is Java Dead, Will It Die?

Guys, Java is not a language that would just die easily. Java existed before Android and has never been dependent on Android. There is Oracle -one of the biggest technology companies of the world- behind Java. With that big of a support, non-stop investments, and thousand of developers; Java is not a language to die and be forgotten. I don’t know what will happen 20 years later, but I don’t think that it is that hard to see the 3-5 years from today. According to many authorities, it is among the 5 most used languages in the world. Oracle might be having a hard time keeping up with technology. There are many open source rivals in products and its work, but the main product of Oracle is hardware. In dozens of machines we use, Oracle products are working. Can it become the IBM of the world in time? Could be. Oracle might fall, but not soon. Even if Oracle becomes poor, Java could die if its developers die and universities turn away from it.

Click here to see the other articles on PEAKUP Blog.

Click here to read the article where I talked about SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose.


Happy employee makes happy company

During these days that we take the digital workplace concept to the center of our lives because of the pandemic, the corporate communication processes have been moved to digital as well. Now it is more critical to transmit notions like corporate culture, motivation, team, and unity to the employees working from home. The importance of digital platforms have increase within this scope. When the digital communication and unity applications are successful, so are the communication of employees between themselves and also with the corporation. And on top of that, the efficiency and productivity increase as well. Researches show that companies that invested in intranet communication by using the digital platforms efficiently and correctly are happier and more successful compared to their rivals.  

We had to adapt to remote working quickly with the pandemic. The fact that corporations didn’t want to put their employees’ health in danger but also had to maintain their business processes increased the attention to digital platforms. Researches show that companies that use applications which aim to increase the corporate’s success by developing emotional intelligence make their workers happier compared to the other.

Researches prove it

According to the research conducted by the Gallup Group, employees who are committed to their work and corporation are employees that are ambitious to work and that love their work environments. The income of companies that increase employee loyalty with the effects of the managers and skill management increase about 147% compared to their rivals. Likewise, the research conducted by Aberdeen Group shows that there is an increase of around 233% in customer loyalty and 26% in income in the companies with high employee loyalty. The main reason of this success is the intranet being run successfully and using digital platforms effectively for this.

Effective communication is the most basic element of employee loyally. More than 70% of employees become more loyal to the company in work environments where company goals, values, objectives, and how the company works are clearly transmitted. 64% of the internal communication experts participating in the Newsweaver research say that the most difficult issue is managing the communication within the organization. Companies that prefer intranet platforms to centralize communication and strengthen internal communication are more successful in effective communication. The research reveals that employees are not only focused on making money in their workplaces, but also tend to be “happy” with their work.

 Toprakçı: “It is possible to make them happy in digital too”

Ahmet Toprakçı, CEO of the technology company PEAKUP, underlined that the concept of happiness will be discussed much more in the business world in the new period. According to Toprakçı, employees who were unhappy with the pandemic sought happiness in the institution where they work. Toprakçı said: “With the pandemic, digitalization got out of its routine speed and became widespread and effective in every field. One of these areas was keeping alive the commitment and motivation of company employees, who had to work from home due to the epidemic, to their jobs and institutions, i.e. internal communication. During this period, Human Resources Experts and Information Technology professionals worked more closely than ever before. And intranet platforms were developed. While the productivity of companies that make fast and accurate investments in this field increased significantly, the researchers showed the concept of happy employees as the reason.”

“Happiness is also contagious in the business life”

This shows that the most important issue of the future in the business world will be “employee happiness in the digital world”. While Companies that invest in making their employees happy will get a lot of rewards, customers who buy services or products from these companies will also be happy.


Great Place to Work® Certificate/ Dünya Newspaper

PEAKUP was awarded with the Great Place to Work® Certificate

100% local capital PEAKUP that managed to be in the Deloitte Technology 2019 Fast 50 list for the 3rd time with its successful performance now got awarded with the Great Place to Work® certificate with the investments in HR and innovative applications.

PEAKUP that has a young and highly professional team that can make quick decisions, act flexible, learn and apply quickly, and follow the developments in the world carefully -As being in the technology sector requires, has been awarded the Great Place to Work Certificate as a result of the survey evaluated by its employees.

The Great Place to Work Certificate is given to companies that have strengthened the culture of trust within the company and are deemed successful by their employees. Taking important steps in increasing the motivation and confidence in the company, PEAKUP implements many different projects for its employees. PEAKUP, which prioritizes its employees in every office, also started working in its new office from the working environment; In the office, there are entertaining game machines, different resting areas, specially decorated areas separated according to colors, a conversation and conversation area and a music area consisting of various instruments.

The career development opportunities offered to employees along with personal development trainings on employee satisfaction and loyalty, flexible rights, in-house motivation and confidence-enhancing practices are among PEAKUP’s investments in human resources.

The secret of our success lies under the happiness of our team

PEAKUP CEO Ahmet Toprakçı stated that behind the rapid growth of PEAKUP in a short time is a great teamwork and said: “The happiness of the team that formed PEAKUP, the peace of our working environment and our sense of trust in each other have always been at the forefront. We have managed to internalize the corporate and team culture we built together. Every decision we make for our team, every work we do, has returned to us as a sustainable growth and success. The certificate we received shows that we are on the right track, as a result of the surveys and researches conducted by the independent and respected Great Place To Work Institute. PEAKUP is now a Great Place to Work certified workplace. Our effort to create the perfect workplace for each of our employees will continue with an even greater desire and passion. Happy employee means successful company for us. I would like to thank our wonderful team for their efforts, which led us to this certification. ”


Power Apps and Power Automate 2020 License Updates

Power Platform

We have been waiting for the work flow product we knew as Ms Flow to get the Power title like Power BI and Power Apps for a long time. It recently joined the Power Platform family with the name of Power Automate (Flow) as expected.

Power Apps and Power Automate (Flow) is a team that increases efficiency and speeds up the work right from the beginning. While end users are working on their Power Apps mobile apps, Power Automate quietly sustains the work flow and verification process in the background.

You can click here for the articles about Power Automate.

Can I use Power Platform for free?

If you have any type of Office365 license, yes!

If you have one of the Office365 licenses below, you can use the Power Platform products for free.

2020 Licensing Updates for Power Apps and Power Automate

The increase of Premium connectors and features was foreshadowing the licensing changes that would happen in Flow.

With the Flow joining the Power family, Power Apps & Power Automate came to the top of the agenda.

If you don’t have Office 365

With the licensing method based on layered quote becoming definite, the prices are still valid since December 1, 2019.

You can use Power Apps and Power Automate as Add-on with monthly payment.

Licensing is separated into two ways: based on the number of users or based on the number of applications you will use.

1st Payment Model

To use 2 mobile apps as Company/Person

It is priced as 56 TLs (in Turkey) per user and the costs increase as the application number increases.


2nd Payment Model

To use limitless number of mobile apps as Company/Person

It is priced as 224,20 TLs (in Turkey) per user and there are no extra costs.

Take a look at here for details.


Take a look at here for the document about licensing.