PEAKUP Working from Home Guide / ICT Media

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In Turkey most workers are following their work from home because of the pandemic, just like in the whole world. This obliged employers to switch to remote working on digital platforms and to adapt. PEAKUP has prepared a guide for both people who work from home and the employers. Here are some interesting points of the guide…

The Importance of Digital Workplace notion has increased

We had to quickly adapt to working from home with the corona virus pandemic. Companies who didn’t want to put people’s lives into danger but still had to keep doing their work started to sustain their work with different platforms. And this reminded us the “Digital Workplace” notion that we started to hear a lot. The way companies did their work changed with the sudden change to remote working. One of the most important topics during this process was making the communication between employees continuous and constant and to keep their motivation alive.  PEAKUP told about how right and efficient work will be on online systems with the Velocity and Microsoft Teams experiences and included recommendations about sharing files, video call, chat rooms and teleconference in their guide.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center”][mk_fancy_title color=”#000000″ size=”20″ font_family=”none”]

What features are we looking for the most while working from home?

PEAKUP COO Kadircan Toprakçı stated that first the most waited features on digital platforms should be detected and sorted those out like this: “An activity field where notifications are received and filtered, a chat room where files and images can be shared, accessing archived files easily, co-authoring on files with teammates at the same time, video call, sharing announcements and organizing meetings. What is need to do all these correctly is a good internet connection and a secure computer, tablet or phone. Tips and tricks start from right here.

Computer: If your personal computer is not protected well with a good system we recommend you to use your company computer. Using Wi-Fi or 4G/5G connections on a weakly protected computer might let you down. If you believe that your office computer is not safe enough either, it is better to contact the IT department right away. If not, all your company information might be accessed and your archived files might get damaged. The password security of company accounts you connect on your office computers is very important for your data. You need the keep you password security as high as possible, update as much as possible and avoid simple passwords.

Internet connection: The most unpleasant part of digital workplace is internet going down or slowing down in the middle of an important meeting. Increasing the upload quota of internet packages of people who need to share files a lot or video call might be a solution. Apart from that, it is possible to activate the “Personal Hotspot” feature of 4.5G internet access via mobile phones in case of a problem with WiFi networks. The safest way to access resources containing accounting, human resources and similar company data would be choosing the Virtual Desktop applications provided by the IT departments. You have to use VPN for the whole team to connect to the corporate network securely and for the network traffic to go through one tunnel.

Operating Systems: Always prefer to use the latest versions of operating systems and applications. The latest operating system will provide protection against cyber threats with new updates as well as being efficient with new features.

Archiving: You might need to access a file on your work computer or you might have deleted a necessary file while working from home. Your files need to be transportable anytime and anywhere while working remotely. You can securely store all your files with cloud storing solutions like OneDrive and take important actions like going back to previous versions or recovering a deleted item.

Common workplace: You could work with your colleagues while working at the office. But now while remote working, you cannot physically  be together if you need to get something done together. Applications like MS Teams help you out during this process. You can move all your office environment to a common workplace, co-author on documents and files with your colleagues, track a lot of actions that were in your daily routines like video call, chat, office documents through one single platform.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center”][mk_fancy_title color=”#000000″ size=”20″ font_family=”none”]Security for the little ones: This one is especially for the workers with kids. To prevent your curios child deleting the files you are working on when you are on a break, you need to put a screen lock and a password. You can use the free Dynamic Lock feature that comes with Windows 10 at this point. Dynamic Lock you have synchronized with your phone will lock your computer the moment you get away from it.

Meetings: Meetings, activities and trainings have started to be cancelled with switching to online working. But meetings or trainings necessary for you workflow getting sidetracked might cause problems for your work. You can sustain your work program without any ado with video meetings and live activities on MS Teams. For example, you can join the meeting from your phone, tablet or computer, chat during the meeting and share a file or your screen.

Socializing with colleagues: This one is both for the workers and the employers. During this process where we are home all time and cannot socialize, it is important to increase the motivation of your workers with platforms that keep the intranet strong like MS Teams or Velocity, not just to keep doing your job. You can create groups where you can recommend movies and make video calls, and have some coffee together. You can make your communication sustainable and fun on digital platforms.

Free Distance Learning: The guide doesn’t end with all this. PEAKUP offers free remote lectures for everyone to facilitate remote working where we learn something new everyday and come across a lot of problems and questions. PEAKUP offers “Working from Home Practices” training every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and is open to new education content. You can ask questions to the lecturers during the lectures and get support by sharing your screen.

You can follow the trainings here.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center”][mk_padding_divider][mk_button dimension=”savvy” url=”” align=”center”]ICT Media[/mk_button][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]

Duo that Opens the Doors of Future: Data and Algorithm

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The Duo that Opens the Doors of the Future: Data and Algorithm

British economist Ronald Coase say: “If your torture the data long enough, it will confess.” And the way of ‘torturing’ the data goes through algorithms. As long as you don’t know how to use and what actions to take, data is condemned to stay as a value you keep under your hand and don’t use. And the algorithm that defines the action is the place under which the real value lies.


Peakup COO Kadircan Toprakçı stated:” In the projection of 10 years, parallel to ever-increasing data size and complexity of problems to be analyzed; the value of human resources with experience about statistics, data-science, machine learning expertise and deep learning will keep increasing. We can say that genetic algorithms, election forecasting algorithms, financial recommendation algorithms and early diagnosis in health algorithms are trends worth being worked on alongside with the algorithms like convolutional neural network.”[/mk_fancy_title][mk_padding_divider][mk_button dimension=”savvy” url=”″ align=”center”]Platin Dergisi[/mk_button][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]

‘Malls will become digital life centers’

[mk_page_section][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][mk_fancy_title color=”#000000″ size=”20″ font_family=”none”]One of the things that have the share of everything digitalizing rapidly after the pandemic is the malls, the vital point of the retail economy. According to PEAKUP COO KadirCan Toprakçı, the malls around the world will become technology bases where artificial intelligent is used and that give contactless services. And shop-lovers will be like Sims players. Even though the change in malls remind us of sci-fi movies, it is pretty soon for these movies to become reality.

Malls, a must of shopping and the representer of socializing, where the retail economy revolves have gone through a lot of changes after the pandemic. We entered a new era where in the entrance our temperature is taken, where we have to walk on lines and cannot get out of circled areas, where we are kind of guided like robots. Technology, the definer of our life standards in the new normal, have taken the leading role in malls and introduced us to a lot of new things we didn’t see much before. PEAKPUP COO KadirCan Toprakçı believes that we are just in the beginning of the road. Malls that will concentrate on technological investments will become advanced space stations soon. Here is what we will see in the future Malls…

Contactless Malls

Today, online and offline shopping go together. In the future, this will leave its place to online shopping only. Online usage that will develop with the zero contact concern will be with us from the enter to the exit of the mall. We will see the condition of the mall on all our smart devices with artificial intelligence and virtual reality based developments, and manage and guide ourselves in the mall like an avatar.

Malls will be managed with separated sections

The quality of air we breathe indoors have a great importance. It is vital to sterilize the air inside in order to make malls go back to their old days the safest way possible. Thanks to the artificial intelligence to be used in malls, the quality of air density of each point, air temperature and other changes will be analyzed momentously. There will be an automatic management system to optimize the environment by keeping track of the density of harmful gases in the air and airflow. This system will be managed by the authorities on their cell phones and also the warning and guidance systems for alarming areas will step in with just one button. It will be possible to quarantine the risky zone in the mall and to stop the contact with the other zone automatically.

Video processing technologies will go into the pocket

It is possible to take people’s temperature contactless with video processing technologies. But in this new age, it will be possible to send the body temperature information to registered phones of clients and store authorities with facial recognition systems. But this system that is very beneficial concerning taking precautions fast and minimizing the interaction will be used when social distance is not applied. System will activate the alarms in case of suppressing the limit by counting people inside the defined zone. Shift systems and entries-exists will be controlled with video technologies and will be sent to the employees’ phone by being managed by the artificial intelligence.

Robot security staff, hologram store workers

Images taken by the security camera will be analyzed with smart software, risky situations among the images will be send to authorities in the remote monitoring center, it will be possible to interfere threatening situations with drones or robot security guard will accompany the suspect. Stores in the malls that want to give service 24/7 will be represented with hologram sales personnel.

Our temperature will be taken when we are washing our hands 

Shared areas in malls like bathrooms, praying rooms and cinema saloons have higher risk compared to the other areas. With technology, it is possible to eliminate contact completely from door handles to light switches, from taps to all other contacted areas. It will be possible to track the crowdedness in the bathroom, last cleaning date and clean air. Smart mirrors will take the temperature of the person washing their hands.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” lightbox=”true” align=”center”][mk_fancy_title color=”#000000″ size=”20″ font_family=”none”]

Physical stores will stand up with integrated systems

Stores will stop physical contact thanks to payment technology without a cashier and virtual fitting rooms, and augmented reality supported mirrors. This shows that physical stores will be facing different experiences. There will be a lot of cameras strengthened with artificial intelligence, it will be possible to track what clients have taken from she shelves with the artificial intelligence system, money will be taken from the registered credit cards automatically as they exit the store. Since physical stores will be preferred just to touch, look, choose and compare the products; brands will be in a race concerning service.

Attention, you might become a Sims player

PEAKUP COO KadirCan Toprakçı who said “In this new order, shop-lovers feel like Sims players” stated that these changes will take place in Turkey soon. Toprakçı told that they are producing new solutions concerning this with the Nova IoT Platform as Peakup and that there are still a lot of projects on which their R & D department is working on and that they are developing artificial intelligence programs for a lot of places from malls to offices, houses and even shelters.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” lightbox=”true” align=”center”][mk_padding_divider][mk_button dimension=”savvy” url=”” align=”center”]BT Haber[/mk_button][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]


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Some People Like Working from Home

People who like working from home cannot imagine anything better than a day with their laptop any comfy clothes. Some workers might miss being at the office, their colleagues and chatting with them. Doesn’t matter if we like it or not, it seems like we will need to work remotely for a little longer because of the pandemic.

There a lot of recommendations about how to be productive and keep sane while working from home like “take a shower, don’t spend too much time on social media, if you have a pet walk it, don’t skip your lunch time.” So we compiled a few articles for you about how to create the workplace that will make working from home a fun and sustainable experience and how we can create a routine. Let’s be honest, we all have missed our office a lot.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center”][mk_fancy_title size=”20″ font_family=”none”]

Create a Sensory View

It has been proved that people who work in areas enriched with art, plants and more sensory stimulation work more efficiently. The minimum example we can give about this can be a family photo on your desk or pinboard. For this reason, to create a more sensory work environment for yourself, you can open some nature sounds if it is noisy around, adjust the temperature as you want, choose a shiny mug for your morning coffee, have an essential oil on your desk to keep one of your senses under control and make your environment green with plants. This way, you will eliminate the feelings that are unpleasant to you.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center”][mk_fancy_title size=”20″ font_family=”none”]

Take Good Care of Your Body 

Even though it sounds simple, working from home makes it easy to forget the basic needs of our body. When we don’t take regular breaks for our brain and body, it affects our health negatively. Yes, you probably had an ergonomic desk and chair at your office. One of your advantages being home rather than office is changing your position often. You can change to a sofa while sitting on a chair or sit on your yoga mat. Testing different positions will help you to find physical comfort faster.

Another thing to pay attention to is movement. You used public transportation while going to work and used to walk between 8.000-10.000 steps a day when you were going between meetings or even just for a coffee break. But now you can work out with your family and dance with your children for the time you spent going to work and coming from work. It would be fun.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center”][mk_fancy_title size=”20″ font_family=”none”]

Specify Stimulators to Start Working

It has been detected that during this pandemic, a lot of workers’ sleep schedules have been messed up and that they have a hard time adapting. So, specify some stimulators to work.  Things that have become a ritual while starting your day at the office like a cup of hot tea or a song that stimulates your senses will put you into action. One of the key parts is isolating yourself to keep focused after you take action. If you are a parent and your children are not going to follow these rules, you can ask for help from other individuals at home that remind us that life is mutual.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center”][mk_fancy_title size=”20″ font_family=”none”]

Don’t Forget to Socialize

While we were at work, we saw our families for a short time and now we get to spend really short time with our colleagues. Although we chat online during the day with online programs, we cannot do any activities together. For that, specify some time you can spend as happy hour. As an example to this, we as PEAKUP, keep doing our FridayTalks activity online which takes place every Friday at the end of our shift. We, as all workers, come together on Microsoft Teams with interesting, fun and informative topics. Of course we don’t forget about moving and work out together.

Keep your patience and motivation and don’t stop dreaming about the days we’ll come together, have a safe and healthy day at home.[/mk_fancy_title][mk_image src=”” image_size=”full” align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]