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The safe way of remote working/ Hürriyet

The safe way of remote working/ Hürriyet

We experienced that most of the remote education and work platforms we used in the past are insufficient. Because we didn’t need to use them this frequently and in detail. Right now, time and productivity are the most important criteria for us. In this situation, while moving the work methods to digitalization in order to keep up with the requests, the security remained in the background. A lot of companies use special work apps for that purpose to save time and energy, for friendly-use and security. One of them is Microsoft Teams…

With the attention and request of companies to the digital workplace increasing, the number of sectors that get to know or use Microsoft Teams now has increased as well. There are a ton of request from all sectors; manufacturing, education and logistics being in the lead. Companies with a high number of workers, branched and sales network, that have more than one office started to utilize the solutions Teams offers.

Features that Microsoft Teams Offers

Microsoft Teams offers a lot of solutions during the pandemic for those who get to know it just now and who want to experience it. Grants companies with a 6-month free trial. While using the Microsoft Teams for 6 months, you can plan meetings and save those meetings. You can make calls and conferences and reach out to a limitless number of users. We compiled a few features of Microsoft Teams that you can use:

What features are the most important ones for you while using MS Teams?
