PEAKUP, that can make quick decisions as the tech sector requires, act flexible, learn and apply quickly, and carefully follow the developments in the world with a young and highly professional team, has been awarded with the Great Place to Work Certificate for two years in a row after being evaluated by the employees.
The Great Place to Work Certificate is given to companies that have strengthened the culture of trust within the company and are deemed successful by their employees. PEAKUP, that has taken important steps in increasing the motivation and confidence in the company, implements many different projects and methods for its employees. In their offices, where they prioritize fun and comfort in their working environment, there are game machines, resting areas, specially decorated spaces separated according to colors, a large library, a conversation and chat area and a music area consisting of various instruments. The moment you enter the office, neon lights, colorful rooms, a Chevrolet model car, a swing where you can swing, and a young smiling team greet you.
PEAKUP’s investments in human resources include personal development trainings on employee satisfaction and loyalty, flexible rights, in-house motivation and confidence-boosting practices, as well as career development opportunities for the employees.
“The Investment in Human Resources and Employee Satisfaction Are the Source of Our Success”
PEAKUP CEO Ahmet Toprakçı stated that there is a great teamwork behind PEAKUP’s rapid growth in a short period of time and added: “The happiness of the team that formed PEAKUP has always been at the forefront for us. The peace of our work environment, our sense of trust in each other and our open communication environment have always taken us forward. Every decision we made for our team, and every work we did have provided us with sustainable growth and this has come back to us as a success. The work we do and the methods we apply show that we have been awarded with the Great Place to Work certificate for two years in a row in a well-deserved way. I would like to thank our wonderful team for their efforts, which helped us to get this certificate once again.”