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March Product Updates

March Product Updates

March PassGate and Velocity updates:


  • Admin panel interfaces have been completely renewed.


  • A new screen where end user web portal setting can be done has been added.
  • A new screen where the content of SMSs sent to end user can be edited has been added.
  • Device information screen has been rearranged as to show more device details.

Velocity :

  • Web Push Notification: Your users will be informed about all contents and news you add to Velocity with instant notifications, even if their browser is not open.
  • Moving Widgets: You can sort your widgets the way you want in the portal. You can move your widgets to the left, right, up and down through admin panel.
  • Multi-Tenant: MultiTenant development where you manage the separation based on Holding > Group Companies > Branches, Locations can has been completed. Group companies or companies that have multiple offices and want to create a special portal for themselves can manage their tenants completely separately. With the MultiTenant infrastructure, it will be possible to download widgets in the sub-portals and decide which widget will be shown to which tenants specifically.