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How to Setup Angular 6 Envıronment on Wındows

How to Setup Angular 6 Envıronment on Wındows

Hi everyone! In this article we will learn “How to setup Angular 6 Environment on Windows”!

We all know that Angular 6 is one of the best framework for developing  Single Page Applications. So how do we setup the Angular 6 environment in Windows? Let’s make it together!

  • Download & Install Node JS on your PC
  • Install Angular CLI globally
  • Choose the best text editor for you

Step 1: Download & Install Node JS on your PC

Open your browser and navigate to:  than Download the current version of Node JS.




If you want to make sure that you have successfully installed the Node JS;

Open your command prompt and type “node -v”. If you see the node version as below, the installation is ok!



Step 2: Install Angular CLI globally

Angular CLI is a command line interface for Angular. To install the Angular CLI;

Open your command prompt, and type “npm install -g @angular/cli



If you want to make sure that you have successfully installed the Angular CLI;

Open your command prompt and type “ng -v”. If you see the cli version as below, the installation is ok!


Step 3: Choose the best text edıtor for you

With any text editor you can develop the Angular project. But one of them is definitely better: Visual Studio Code!



With a lot of plug-in support, you can develop Angular 6 projects much faster and more convenient with Visual Studio Code! In another article, I’ll talk about the best Visual Studio Code plug-ins. Stay on track!

You can download Visual Studio Code from

Now you can create your first Angular 6 project! Open your command prompt type “ng new my-first-project”!