The importance of games has an irreplaceable place in children’s development in terms of language development, physical and intellectual development and self-care development. Games help children to develop by bringing out their skills like exploration, imitation, and creativity. Games are an opportunity to solve problems.
Even though as parents we doubt the security of technology and feel worried about it, playing games also reflect as learning on our children.
Our children who were born in to a time of digitalization and see tools like phones, tablets, computers and imitate what they see with their imitation skills get involved in this situation -even though we are careful about it and draw the line- somehow. We complied a few applications that can be beneficial as long as parents are in control and that our children can learn as they play.
It is an interactive application that helps children to learn the alphabet and English words with objects and the sounds they make when you touch them, and that helps to develop their visual and auditory memory. The sounds of the objects make children laugh and entertain them. It is a verbal-auditory app i.e an app that is based on language. Although legal age-limit of the app is 4+ you can use it with your babies over 1 under parental control.
WWF Together:
This application narrates the interactive story of endangered animals like giant pandas, tigers, monarch butterflies, sea turtles and polar bears thoroughly.It is a learning-centered game that enables getting to know 16 species of endangered animals with information like their features, populations natural habitats, weights and heights. There are also graphics in which origami art was used. There are “origami methods” where they can create these animals with paper within the app. You can execute this paper folding art with your children while having fun. Although legal age-limit of the app is 4+ you can use it with your babies over 1 under parental control.
Listen & Understand:
This app was developed with the goal of contributing to development of comprehension what is being said of children with normal development, along with children who has autism spectrum disorder.
The app consists of 2 parts and 10 modules in total. In each one of the 10 modules there are 10 questions. Another important feature of the application is that it collects and analyzes data for the family and educators. It is a learning-based and a dramatic game as an education method. Although legal age-limit of the app is 4+ you can use it with your babies over 1 under parental control.
Paintbox :
Children’s senses work really well during the game. They develop their skills like perceiving, distinguishing and classifying the data they obtain by their senses in their brains. It is an app designed to improve children’s drawing skills by using colors with graphic and drawings activities on a digital environment. There are 8 types of different brushes and you can automatically save the images. Although legal age-limit of the app is 4+ you can use it with your babies over 1 under parental control.
Stack the Countries:
Provides 193 country flash cards and colored interactive maps of continents. It is an educational app where children can improve their geography and atlas information. It is one of the learning-focused interactive apps where they can get information about capitals, borderlands, flags of countries and continents. The parents can brush up on their information as well and spend some time with their children. Although legal age-limit of the app is 4+ you can use it with your babies over 1 under parental control.
Nasa Kids Club
We couldn’t forget about science and technology enthusiasts! Along with the activities on the web page where children can learn a lot about NASA and play games about the space, there are coloring activities for younger space enthusiasts. You can visit their website. With the NASA mobile app we can recommend for adults, you can explore the latest images, videos, task information, news, feature stories, tweets and NASA TV features. Although legal age-limit of the app is 4+ you can use it with your babies over 1 under parental control.