- It is possible for the passwords of any user or user group on the Active Directory to be reset by another person (For example: Manager, Shift Supervisor, Agent Owner, Security Manager) via SMS.
- Integration: IBM AS/400
- The installation is completed if the company to be integrated with AS/400 shares the name given to the AS/400 system, authorized username, password, IP address and IBM’s “Client Access” software for Windows with PEAKUP. Related fields on the AS/400 can be used for the User Information Service, Password Reset Service and Password Change Service.
- Restriction: The password reset feature of the users with PassGate could be disabled when necessary from the management panel. With PassGate, you could define a limited or an indefinite restriction on the phone number of the user whom you want to restrict password reset. Now, in addition to the password reset feature, password change and profile update features have become restricted. Moreover, the restriction can be applied not only on the phone number, but also on the e-mail address, username, phone number.
- It is ensured that the Password Change Service can be used not only in Active Directory, but also on all platforms involved in the process.
- The configuration to allow/disallow same consecutive characters for password procedures has been added. In case companies specify their demands on the “PassGate-System Requirements & Configurations” form, their systems are configured.
- In addition to resetting users’ passwords via the administration panel, the system administrator is also able to unlock their locked their unlocked accounts.
- It has been ensured that password reset and account unlock processes can be initiated with the user name via the Self-Service Web portal.
- In addition to the validation rules, warning messages can also be displayed on the password change screen. In case companies specify their demands on the “PassGate-System Requirements & Configurations” form, their systems are configured.
- The configuration to allow/disallow consecutive same characters for password procedures has been added. In case companies specify their demands on the “PassGate-System Requirements & Configurations” form, their systems are configured.
- It was ensured that the Law of Protection Of Personal Data Information Text prepared by the companies was positioned in an adjustable manner on the PassGate Web interface. In case companies specify their demands on the “PassGate-System Requirements & Configurations” form, their systems are configured.
- Other than the verification code on the Self-Service Web portal, the option to add a step in which the ID number has been added. We are able to activate it for companies that want it.
- It has been provided that the live weather image in the Header can be customized and managed through the management panel. Companies can add live weather status or any image they want for Header via the management panel.
- Cross currency integration is complete. Any cross rate can be added to the portal via the administration panel. Not only the cross rate, but also gold (XAU), cryptocurrencies can be listed on the portal.
- The automatic positioning of the “Play” icon on the video image added for widgets that can be loaded with videos has been provided.
- For Mega Slider, content or video is provided to be displayed in the modal box.
- The “Bcc” feature has been activated for widget notification e-mails sent. Companies can separately specify “Bcc” and “To” fields in the e-mail to which notification will be forwarded through the management panel.
- It is ensured that PDF files loaded into the widget can be downloaded automatically or opened in the browser parametrically.
- It was provided to parametrically determine whether or not the relevant widget content is shared in e-mail notifications directed to users.
- The city selection has been made automatically according to the location of those entering the portal.
New Widgets:
- Law of Protection of Personal Data Documents
- OHS Documents
- Human Resources Procedures and Forms
- Numerator Widget: It is a widget that provides the infrastructure of the correspondence number received for a company to use in its correspondence such as purchase proposal made with companies outside the company. The person receiving the number adds this number to the subject of the e-mail. It is used for regulatory compliance and retrospective monitoring.